Amiga Plus Special 20
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 20 (1999)(ICP)(DE)[!].iso
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Text File
344 lines
(set @appname "COINMANIA")
;(set @user-level 2)
(complete 0)
(set NoHD 0)
(set GotHD (exists "dh0:" (noreq)))
(if (= GotHD NoHD)
((message "\n\n\n\nUnable To Install\n\nCOINMANIA\n\nAs No Hard Disk Attached")
(exit (quiet)
(set D_Space 0)
(set D_Space_Needed 500000)
(while (< D_Space D_Space_Needed)
(set CM_Dest (askdir
(prompt "Please Choose Where You Would Like\n"
"To Be Installed")
(help " This Part Will Make A Directory Called:-\n"
" In The Directory You Select.\n\n"
" e.g If You Select:-\n"
" DH0:\n"
" Then A Directory Called:\n"
"Will Be Created And COINMANIA - THE GAME And Most Of "
"The Files Related To It Will Be Placed In This Newly "
"Created Directory So They Are Not Spread All Over The "
" Device You Wish To Install To.")
(default @default-dest)
(set CM_Path (pathonly CM_Dest))
(set D_Space (getdiskspace CM_Path))
(if (< D_Space D_Space_Needed)
((set Flag (askbool
(prompt "\n\n\n\nNot Enought Free Space On Device\n"
"You Wish To Install To.\n\n"
"Would You Like To Select Another Device?")
(help "")
(if (not Flag)
(exit (quiet))
(set memneeded "700000")
(set memneededone "1000000")
(set freechip (database "graphics-mem"))
(set allfreemem (database "total-mem"))
(set diff (- freechip memneeded))
(set diff1 (- freechip memneededone))
(set diff2 (- allfreemem freechip))
(set XtraSFX 0)
(set Own_Music (askoptions
(prompt "Would You Like Your Own InGame Music\n"
"It Must Be In NOISETRACKER Format")
(help "\n Select A Music File Which Will Replace The Default "
" COINMANIA InGame Music, But Please Note That The\n"
" Module Must Be In Noise/ProTracker !VBlank! Format\n"
" ----------------------------------\n\n\n\n"
" -----------------------------------------------\n"
" IMPORTANT: No Checking Is Done On The Module Format\n"
" Until It Has Been Loaded So If The Module Is Not\n"
" A NOISETRACKER Module Then It Will Not Play InGame.") (choices " Use DEFAULT Game Music")
(set YES 0)
(set NO 1)
(set Module_Name1 "")
(set No_Module_Name "")
(if (= Own_Music YES)
(while (= REPEAT_FLAG YES)
(set Module_Name (askfile
(prompt "Select Music File To Save As The New\nINGAME Music")
(help "\n Select A Music File Which Will Replace The Default "
" COINMANIA InGame Music, But Please Note That The\n"
" Module Must Be In Noise/ProTracker !VBlank! Format\n"
" ----------------------------------\n\n\n\n"
" -----------------------------------------------\n"
" IMPORTANT: No Checking Is Done On The Module Format\n"
" Until It Has Been Loaded So If The Module Is Not\n"
" A NOISETRACKER Module Then It Will Not Play InGame.")
(default @default-dest)
(set Mod_Okay (exists (Module_Name) (noreq)))
(if (= Mod_Okay YES)
((message "\n\n\nFile:\n\n\"" Module_Name ":" Module_Name1 "\"\n\nNot Found\n\n----------\nSelect Another File?")
(set Mod_Size (getsize Module_Name))
(set New_DFree (- D_Space_Needed 178000))
(set New_Size (+ New_DFree Mod_Size))
(set Max_Mod (- D_Space New_DFree))
(if (> New_Size D_Space)
(message "\n\nModule Name:\n" Module_Name "\n\nModule Size:\n" Mod_Size "\n\n"
"Not Enought Room On Device:\n" CM_Path "\n\nMax File Size Allowed Approx: " Max_Mod)
(set @default-dest CM_Dest)
(if (= Own_Music YES)
(message "\nAre You Sure You Wish To Install\n\nC-O-I-N-M-A-N-I-A\n---------\nIn The Directory:\n\n " CM_Dest "\n-----"
"\n\nWith Your Own Music"
"\n\n** This Is Your LAST Chance To QUIT Before The **\n** Installation Process Is Started **")
(message "\n\nAre You Sure You Wish To Install\n\nC-O-I-N-M-A-N-I-A\n---------\nIn The Directory:\n\n " CM_Dest "\n-----"
"\n\n** This Is Your LAST Chance To QUIT Before The **\n** Installation Process Is Started **")
(askdisk (prompt "\n\n\n\n\nPlease Insert The Disk\nCheapware:\nInto Any Drive")
(help "")
(dest "CheapWare")
(set CM_CoinDir (tackon CM_Dest "Coinmania"))
(set CM_Source ("Cheapware:Coinmania"))
(set Mod_Okay (exists (CM_Source) (noreq)))
(set IS_ERROR 0)
(If (= Mod_Okay IS_ERROR)
((message "\n\n\n\nSource Disk Is Not Set Up Correctly\n\n------------\n\nAborting Installation")
(exit (quiet))
(set Number_Of_Files 15)
(set Current_File 0)
(set File_Found 1)
(set ERRORS 0)
(Set File_Name "Nothing")
(working "\nChecking Files For Existance:")
(while (<> Current_File Number_Of_Files)
(set Current_File (+ Current_File 1))
(if (= Current_File 1)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Data/CMAbout1.PAK"))
(if (= Current_File 2)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Data/CMAbout2.PAK"))
(if (= Current_File 3)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Data/CMExtraMem.PAK"))
(if (= Current_File 4)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Data/CMCongratulations.PAK"))
(if (= Current_File 5)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Data/CMHelpPage.PAK"))
(if (= Current_File 6)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Banks/GameB.BANK"))
(if (= Current_File 7)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Banks/GameI.BANK"))
(if (= Current_File 8)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Banks/HelpB.BANK"))
(if (= Current_File 9)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Banks/MenuB.BANK"))
(if (= Current_File 10)(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Banks/MenuI.BANK"))
(if (= Current_File 11)
(if (= Own_Music YES)
(set File_Name Module_Name)
(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/InGame.MUSIC")
(if (= Current_File 12)
(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/Coinmania.SFX")
(if (= Current_File 13)
(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/EndGame.MUSIC")
(if (= Current_File 14)
(set File_Name "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/High.MUSIC")
(if (= Current_File 15)
(set File_Name "Cheapware:Fonts/Coinmania.font")
(set Flag (exists File_Name))
(if (<> Flag File_Found)
((message "\n\n\nChecking Files For Existance:\n\nERROR: File Not Found\n\n"
"-----\n\nFileName: " File_Name)
(set ERRORS (+ ERRORS 1)
(working "\nChecking Files For Existance:\n\n\n"
ERRORS " Error(s) Detected")
(if (>= ERRORS 1)
(abort ERRORS " File(s) Not Found!!!\n"
"Unable To Complete Installation Of\n\n"
"-- COINMANIA --\n\n"
"To\n\n" CM_CoinDir)
(complete 5)
(set CM_Root (getdevice CM_CoinDir))
(if (= CM_Root "DH0")
(set CM_Root ("DH0:"))
(if (= CM_Root "DH1")
(set CM_Root ("DH1:"))
(if (= CM_Root "RAM")
(set CM_Root ("RAM:"))
(set CM_DataDir (tackon CM_CoinDir "Data"))
(set CM_BanksDir (tackon CM_CoinDir "Banks"))
(set CM_SoundsDir (tackon CM_CoinDir "Sounds"))
(set CM_Libs (tackon CM_Root "Libs"))
(set CM_Fonts (tackon CM_Root "Fonts"))
(complete 6)
(makedir CM_CoinDir
(prompt "")
(help "")
(complete 8)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Coinmania")
(dest CM_CoinDir)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Data")
(dest CM_DataDir)
(complete 10)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Banks")
(dest CM_BanksDir)
(complete 20)
(if (exists "Cheapware:Coinmania/Coinmania.High")
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Coinmania.High")
(dest CM_CoinDir)
(complete 25)
(copylib (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "CheapWare:Libs/Amos.Library")
(dest CM_Libs)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Fonts")
(dest CM_Fonts)
(complete 40)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/EndGame.Music")
(dest CM_SoundsDir)
(complete 50)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/High.Music")
(dest CM_SoundsDir)
(complete 60)
(if (= Own_Music YES)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source Module_Name)
(dest CM_SoundsDir)
(newname "InGame.MUSIC")
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/InGame.MUSIC")
(dest CM_SoundsDir)
(complete 70)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/Coinmania.SFX")
(dest CM_SoundsDir)
(complete 80)
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Sounds/Intro.MUSIC")
(dest CM_SoundsDir)
(complete 90)
(if (exists "Cheapware:Coinmania/Coinmania.Guide")
((if (exists "Cheapware:Coinmania/CoinmaniaInstaller")
(set CopyExtras (askoptions
(prompt "Would You Like Any Other Of The\n"
"Bits Copied To Your Hard Drive")
(help "")
(choices " COINMANIA Guide"
" HARD DRIVE Installer")))
(set CopyExtras (askoptions
(prompt "Would You Like Any Other Of The\n"
"Bits Copied To Your Hard Drive")
(help "")
(choices " COINMANIA Guide")))))
(if (exists "Cheapware:Coinmania/CoinmaniaInstaller")
(set CopyExtras (askoptions
(prompt "Would You Like Any Other Of The\n"
"Bits Copied To Your Hard Drive")
(help "")
(choices " HARD DRIVE Installer")))))
(if (in CopyExtras 0)
(if (exists "Cheapware:Coinmania/Coinmania.guide")
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/Coinmania.Guide")
(dest CM_CoinDir))))
(if (in CopyExtras 1)
(if (exists "Cheapware:Coinmania/CoinmaniaInstaller")
(copyfiles (prompt "")
(help "")
(source "Cheapware:Coinmania/CoinmaniaInstaller")
(dest CM_CoinDir))))
(complete 99)
(message "\n\nNow Attempting To Edit File\n\n"
"To Include The Line\n\n"
"ASSIGN CoinMania: " CM_CoinDir)
(startup "COINMANIA"
(prompt "Editing Startup-Sequence To Include Assign")
(help "")
(command "Assign Coinmania: " CM_CoinDir))
(complete 100)
(message "\n\n\n\nNow Please REBOOT Your Computer\n\n"
"To Play\n\n"
"<==--- ---==>\n"
"<-- COIN MANIA - The Game -->\n"
"<==--- ---==>")